Pandit Manoj Kumar Mishra
Wellknown Astrologer of Bhagalpur, Bihar
About Pandit Manoj Kumar Mishra
Pandit Manoj Kumar Mishra is a wellknown astrologer of Bhagalpur. He did M.Sc. in chemistry from Bhupendra
Narayan Mandal University and taught chemistry to children for about 4 years. He completed Astrology from
Darbhanga Sanskrit University in 2000 and has been giving astrology services in Bhagalpur since then. He is
the priest of Bhagalpur's famous kali mandir Harbariya Kali Mandir.
Astrology services you will get here:
- Kundli(Janam Patri)
- Palmistry(Palm Reading)
- Lucky Gemstones
- Vastu Shastra
- Panchang Predictions
- Career Report
- Marriage Prediction
- Phone Consultation
- Match Making
Gemstones you will get here:
- Ruby(माणिक्य)
- Pearl(मोती)
- Coral(मूंगा)
- Emerald(पन्ना)
- Jade(मरगज)
- Yellow Sapphire (पुखराज)
- Zircon(जरकन)
- Diamond(हीरा)
- Blue Sapphire (नीलम)
- Iolite(नीली)
- Amethyst(जमुनिया)
- Hessonite(गोमेद)
- Cat's Eye (लहसुनिया)
- Navaratna(नवरत्न)
- Moonstone(चंद्रकांत)
You can also contact for any type of puja like Marriage, Home entry puja, funeral ceremony etc.
Point of contact: You can call on (+91)9431001096, (+91)7004992838 or inbox me on given mail. For face to face contact first you have to take a time to meet on the given address Harbariya kali Mandir, Mandroja, Bhagalpur-812002, Bihar, India .